I just discovered by accident that you can now drag windows in i3 with the mouse. I use Microsoft Windows during working hours and must have just done it reflexively. It looks like the feature was added relatively recently in late 2022.

I don’t know yet if I’ll use it much since half the point of i3 is not having to take your hands of the keyboard but, still, it’s nice to know it’s available.

I wish I had a dollar for every software feature I discovered by accident (usually keyboard shortcuts) over the last 30 years. I’ll make a mistake and think, “wtf just happened?”, and then realize it is some time-saving feature that I quickly become dependent on.

It doesn’t work in Emacs though. Press the wrong key combination by accident in Emacs and you’ll spend the next 20 minutes in tears trying to recover your work session. At least, that’s what happens to me about once a week.