Committing to Emacs
I’m going to force myself to use Emacs daily for six months.
With Emacs’ Evil mode, I lose none of the benefits of Vim and the only cost is having to noob around while learning how to do all the other stuff beyond document editing. If I can stick with it and really learn it, I’ll either end up switching to Emacs permanently as my preferred editor and gain all the extra power of it, or, at least gain the ability to use it occasionally as I need or want to.
I’ve decided against starting with Doom Emacs or Spacemacs. There’s far too much magic going on with those options that I don’t understand and I’ll never learn it if it’s all pre-configured for me. So I’ve started with vanilla Emacs and have slowly been adding packages and tweaking my config as I understand the need for it. That way, I can see the effect each change has in isolation. It’s slow going and quite frustrating at times but I’m learning more this way.